Saturday, February 28, 2015

Dinosaur Field Trip Flyer

Guess what's happening Tuesday....

Image result for dinosaur museum clipart

That's right, our field trip to the Dinosaur museum in Thanksgiving Point is happening!!!

Are you guys so excited? I know I certainly am! Field Trips serve as a great opportunity to expand our learning beyond what we can learn in a textbook.

As part of the 4th grade curriculum, we are expected to cover the formation of fossils, and we get to discuss the fascinating creatures they come from (4th grade science standard 4).  Through visiting the dinosaur museum we will be able to get an up close look at some of the amazing creatures that used to roam the globe.

Here is the list of parents who have signed up to help Chaperon:

Jenna Smith (Daisy)
John Lancaster (Rob)
Sarah Little (Dylan)
Franklin Hyde (Karen)

Thank you so very much to all of our volunteers, this trip would not be possible without you!!!

Come to class Monday prepared to discuss the expected behavior for field trips, and to review what we have already learned about dinosaurs.

Click here to view a flyer with more information about the fieldtrip.


Miss Bagley

Friday, February 27, 2015

Classroom Management on Pinterest

In the link below you will find a collection of classroom management strategies that could certainly be effective in an elementary classroom setting.

The chosen articles provide many fun ideas, as well as some effective insight regarding how to handle behavior issues.

Pinterest has allowed me to categorize and collect this data in a visually engaging, yet organized manner (Ed Tech standard 5).

Click here  to view some ideas for effective classroom management strategies, and send me an email letting me know what strategies would be most effective and what strategies would be the most fun. Would you disagree with any of the strategies? Why?

Your input is appreciated in helping me to create the best learning environment for the class as a whole.

 Thank you for the help!

Miss Bagley

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Opinion Writing Using Storybird

Hello my beautiful class! 

As you already are well aware, we are working on writing opinion pieces (4th grade writing standard 1). As you will see with the storybird assignment below, writing opinion pieces can be very fun.  

For your homework assignment, I would like you to write an opinion piece using the fun pictures provided by storybird (Ed Tech standard 5). 

Your opinion piece can be entirely made up, or it can be true.  The important thing to remember is that your opinion should be well supported by specific facts and details.  See the Storybird presentation below to see an example of what I expect. 

Have lots of fun, and have a fabulous weekend! 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Preventing Substance Abuse

As part of the standard core curriculum, we have been learning about healthy ways to cope with stress.  We have also addressed the dangers of substance abuse, and what specific drugs can do to the body (5th grade health standard 2).

At the bottom of the post you will find a series of Animoto presentations (Ed tech standard 6) explaining the physiological effects of substance abuse on the body.  Please watch these presentations tonight and come to class tomorrow prepared to have an in depth discussion about what you have learned.

I know that this can be a sticky subject, if you or your parents have any questions, comments, or concerns don't hesitate to give me a phone call or send an email.  I have created these presentations to demonstrate the destruction that drugs can do to the body.  Pictures can be very powerful in portraying exactly what is happening inside.

As always, don't forget to do your reading!

Continue working hard! You are doing great!

Friday, February 13, 2015

February 10-15 Newsletter

Valentine's day is approaching fast! Do you already have a box made for our class party?
We have many fun things in store for the rest of this month. We will be studying multicultural fairy tales (Reading: Literature standard 6, 2nd grade).

 It is important that we understand that stories can be very different when they come from different cultures. I encourage you to visit the local library to find many different examples of multicultural fairy tales. Think about what would cause these differences and similarities.

Here is the newsletter for February so your parents understand exactly what is going on in our class (ed tech standard 6). Important dates and your nightly homework assignments are included in the letter. Please make sure they see it

. Have a fabulous weekend!

 Miss Bagley

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Exploring Ancient Civilizations

Hello again!

Today we became archaeologists and explored the tomb of King Tut.  For your homework tonight you will be exploring the ancient civilizations among the best archaeologists in the world.

In the Prezi presentation below you will learn all about the Aztecs, but remember... just like any good archaeologist you must first pull out your journal and record your findings.

Archaeologists conclude information about the civilization using the artifacts they find while on their digs.  You are expected to do something very similar.  In your journal, make connections between the culture of the ancient Aztec and your own culture. How are they similar? How are they different? (Social Studies 6th grade standard 1, Ed tech standard 6).

Be the first to discover the secrets the ancient past!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Importance of Eating Healthy

Hello Class!

As our guest pointed out, good nutrition can have a HUGE impact on almost every aspect of our lives so it is important that we know what we should be eating.  Diabetes and obesity have become a large problem here in the United States, so it is important that we are educated about our health so we can be healthy and happy! (Health Standard 6, 5th grade)

What changes can you make in your diet and exercise habits to become a more healthy person?

Here is a link  to a brochure I have created about healthy eating (Ed Tech Standard 5).  For a special prize tomorrow, print the brochure out, and explain the information to at least one other person.  Have them sign the empty space on the front of the brochure, bring it back to class bright and early tomorrow morning.

Tonight's homework: head outside and get some physical exercise! I am very proud of how hard you have all been working in class. We have also learned the benefits of physical exercise, and the effect it has on stimulating the brain.

I fully expect you to run and play as hard as you can so tomorrow we can fill your brain with all kinds of new, and awesome, information!

Have a great day!

Miss Bagley