Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Importance of Eating Healthy

Hello Class!

As our guest pointed out, good nutrition can have a HUGE impact on almost every aspect of our lives so it is important that we know what we should be eating.  Diabetes and obesity have become a large problem here in the United States, so it is important that we are educated about our health so we can be healthy and happy! (Health Standard 6, 5th grade)

What changes can you make in your diet and exercise habits to become a more healthy person?

Here is a link  to a brochure I have created about healthy eating (Ed Tech Standard 5).  For a special prize tomorrow, print the brochure out, and explain the information to at least one other person.  Have them sign the empty space on the front of the brochure, bring it back to class bright and early tomorrow morning.

Tonight's homework: head outside and get some physical exercise! I am very proud of how hard you have all been working in class. We have also learned the benefits of physical exercise, and the effect it has on stimulating the brain.

I fully expect you to run and play as hard as you can so tomorrow we can fill your brain with all kinds of new, and awesome, information!

Have a great day!

Miss Bagley

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